
Read Hualien - Xin-xiang Picture Book Museum

2012/02/29 13:48
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After discovering a scarcity of reading materials in outlying areas of Hualian, in April 2003, Chen Li-yun established Xin-xiang Picture Book Museum in order to increase children’s reading resources in the area. The Xin-xiang Picture Book Museum doesn’t have the size or available funds of pubic libraries, but it has a large selection of specially selected literature and picture books, with a long-term commitment to reading and many promotional activities. “We hold three weekly mother-child reading activities and have a book-bus which makes regular trips to villages in the outlying areas of Hualian…this gets everyone talking about the stories they have been reading and creates more interest in reading in general”, said Picture Book Museum manager Xu Hui-zhen.

Due to the area of Hualian being so spread-out, it is particularly inconvenient for those in outlying areas to make a trip to the city. By converting a transport container into a small bus, once a month all outlying villages can enjoy the pleasure of reading. In 2011, the Xin-xiang Picture Book Museum had already been operating for 8 years. Unfortunately, by the end of that year it announced that due to insufficient funds the service would be temporarily suspended. However, the mobile reading-bus services remained unaffected, visiting village primary schools in the area and continuing to provide this precious reading service.

PeoPo 公民新聞

Read Hualien - Xin-xiang Picture Book Museum




閱讀花蓮,新象繪本館 ( 慈大傳播站 )


有感於花蓮偏鄉的閱讀資源匱乏,陳麗雲醫師於2003年4月成立新象繪本館,增加花蓮地區的兒童閱讀資源。新象繪本館雖然不像公立圖書館有很大的空間和經 費,但繪本以及兒童文學叢書都是經過精挑細選,且長期投入陪伴閱讀、推廣性的活動。新象繪本館館長許慧貞表示,館內每週三舉辦親子共讀活動,以及行動繪本 館-小太陽閱讀ㄅㄨㄅㄨ車的偏鄉部落巡迴,為花蓮在地居民製造閱讀話題,進而讓大人與小孩去關心閱讀這件事。由於花蓮地形狹長,偏鄉小朋友要到市區相當不 方便,因此透過由貨櫃改裝的小太陽ㄅㄨㄅㄨ車,每個月到各偏鄉部落的巡迴服務,讓偏遠地區的孩子也能享受閱讀的樂趣。新象繪本館至2011年已成立8個年 頭,可惜最後仍不敵經濟的衝擊,因此於2011年宣布暫停館務,但行動繪本館-小太陽閱讀ㄅㄨㄅㄨ車仍持續巡迴偏鄉部落小學,希望讓花蓮偏鄉地區的學童, 繼續擁有這個珍貴的閱讀資源。




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