
Taiwanese ‘sisters’ share their cuisine

2012/02/20 18:07
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Following the Typhoon Morakot Disaster, Gaushu Township saw a whole host of reorganization and new initiatives. With the cooperation of the locally established Pingtung County Township Renewal Service Center, which was built by the Ministry of the Interior, a wide range of resources were brought together to ensure rebuilding and regeneration of the area stayed on track. A wonderful case in point is that of the post-disaster regeneration of Xinfeng Township where in December 2011 professor Fang Ya-hui from Dept. of Social Development, National Pingtung University of Education instigated a program for students to enter into the community and study the lives of foreign nationals living in the area. The program aimed at bringing about cultural exchange through getting foreign nationals to share the unique cuisines of their own countries. This kind of cultural exchange can bring about a deeper understanding of each other’s cultures and eliminate unnecessary alienation and misunderstandings that are all too common. More importantly, however, was to create a window for the group of new women immigrants to begin taking part in community activities and open up new career opportunities for them in the area.


Taiwanese ‘sisters’ share their cuisine




食在好味道、姐妹們的台灣味 ( 綠元氣 )


莫拉克風災後,高樹鄉受災區的在地組織,不論是社區發展協會、合作社、產銷班、或是民間團體,紛紛與內政部於鄉內設立的屏東縣高樹鄉生活重建服務中心合 作,結合多元化的資源,讓災區的重建工作逐步步上軌道。尤其是在新豐社區的災後重建之路上,因為與屏東教育大學社會發展學系兼任教授方雅慧的合 作,2011年12月,開始有了學生進入社區進行紀錄,企盼透過不同國家間的飲食文化交流,讓彼此能夠更深入認識彼此的母國文化,以打破因為文化不同而產 生的隔閡與誤解,更重要的是,讓這群新移民女性能夠透過這樣的飲食文化交流活動,開始參與社區災後重建的未來發展工作。




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