
The heartbeat of Taiwan – Baozhong Feast Day

2012/02/13 14:27
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The annual Lantern Festival, which takes place in No. 14 Wugu Hamlet, Baozhong Township, Yunlin County, saw exciting activities from ZhenAn Temple as well as a feast to bestow auspicious blessings on the people – the festival activities attracted tens of thousands of participants. ZhenAn Temple’s Wang Ye God weaves through the ranks of people who wait to be blessed with peace and security. Mothers also bring along their children to give them instructions on how to carry out this age-old tradition ensuring this important ritual will be preserved for posterity.

A count down finally starts the main event of the day’s, which is a huge feast where the people ask for the blessing of various Gods – according to the organizer’s statistics, this year saw around sixty thousand people. On watching the scenes unfold from a field, the citizen journalist covering the story was simply lost for words at the incredible sight. Although Yunlin has seen a huge outflow of people in recent years, those remaining in the villages have united together and worked hard to ensure that this grand feast doesn’t diminish in size.

The heartbeat of Taiwan – Baozhong Feast Day





【心跳‧台灣-03】褒忠吃飯擔 ( 單車小賢 )






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