
2011 PeoPo Citizen Journalism Awards Ceremony Encouraging first-rate citizen journalist report

2012/01/02 17:26
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2011 PeoPo Citizen Journalism Awards Ceremony Encouraging first-rate citizen journalist reports

The 2011 PeoPo Citizen Journalism Awards Ceremony took place on the 24th December. On the day, awards were bestowed upon the very finest reports from the ‘Special Report’ section and ‘Short Report’ section, as well as an additional five awards for excellence. It took judges until the day of the ceremony, and over a month of deliberation before a decision on the winners from the 260 reports in this year’s fiercely contested awards ceremony was released.

Voicing Out and Building Bridges – the 5th Citizen Journalism Awards Ceremony, was an opportunity to thank and encourage friends from all over Taiwan who have shown interest and concern for many important grassroots’ issues. With their ingenuity, from mobile phones and cameras to video recorders, they shed light into every nook and corner of Taiwanese society, which raised concern and brought insight into the stories that mattered.  This year’s awards were selected on the basis of their ‘public appropriateness’ and ‘news worthiness’, of which only thirty-five made it to the finals. There were also a further five winners from the ‘Special Reports’, and ‘ Short Reports’ sections in addition to five more awards for excellence to help encourage and motivate all our citizen journalist friends.

Over the course of this year, the grassroots consciousness movement has strongly taken root in Taiwan and brought huge changes to the mainstream media. This year the teachers and directors from five of the fourteen media departments were specially invited to receive awards for all their contribution and diligent work in citizen journalism. Among the awardees were Department of Communication - National Chung Cheng University, The Department of Mass Communication - Chang Jung University, Department of Mass Communication - Tamkang University and Department of Mass Communication – Providence University. These media departments have all produced outstanding-quality reports, many of which have been used by the mainstream media, allowing people from all over the country to become acquainted with citizen journalism and its influence.

The scope of these Citizen Journalism Awards is huge, extending out from mass communication students and community citizens to high-school teachers and members of non-profit organizations, which ensures a rich abundance of viewpoints and a lot of excitement. Related video footage and information on the awards ceremony can be found at the link below:




2011PeoPo公民新聞獎頒獎典禮  鼓勵優質公民報導


「向外發聲,地方紮根」,第五屆「PeoPo公民新聞獎」鼓勵各地方對於公共議題有興趣的朋友,拿起手邊的手機、數位相機或攝影機,走入生活的各個角落, 拍攝地方故事與公共議題,也促進公民社會的資訊傳播。本屆公民新聞獎評審以「公共性」與「新聞性」為評選標準,兩組別共選出35位入圍者名單頒發入圍獎 座,也選出新聞專題獎及短片報導獎各五位,另外也頒發五座的特別獎,鼓勵拍攝優質公民報導的朋友們。

 近年台灣社區、草根意識崛起,為國內媒體帶來重大改變,本屆頒獎典禮也特別從十四所校園採訪中心的夥伴中,邀請五所校園採訪中心的主任與老師,頒發感謝 獎,謝謝他們對公民新聞的耕耘與貢獻。其中包括了中正傳播學系、長榮大眾傳播學系、淡江大眾傳播學系、慈濟傳播學系及靜宜大眾傳播學系。這五所大學傳播科 系的同學,除了產製出質、量都非常優秀的作品,其報導更多次被電視媒體採用,讓各地的公民新聞被更多的人關注,產生影響力。





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