“In honor of the Banyan”
The 480-year-old banyan tree in Chiayi City’s Liu Cuo Community is an important landmark in the local area. The tree has accompanied many residents throughout their lives and holds a great deal of memories for them. This deep connection with the tree has moved locals to create a piece of music entitled, “In honor of the Banyan”. In addition, the area is promoting music as a means of community building and opened erhu and flute classes for residents who wish to learn together.
Residents can now proudly sing their own community song, and through the study of traditional Chinese music have been empowered to tell their own unique story. Liucuo Community flute teacher Lin Chien-hua, expressed that each and every resident who attends his classes is extremely enthusiastic about community building, and this is what gives the place such a wonderfully welcoming feeling. After a great deal of hard work by the community development association, residents have been able to use music as a medium to find the link between themselves and their home, forging a close bond with the land on which they live.
“In honor of the Banyan”
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/84487
樂在劉厝 居民傳唱「榕仔公」(中正e報)
嘉義市劉厝社區,有一個重要的地標,就是一棵活了480多年的老榕樹,它陪伴了許多居民的成長,是居民很重要的回憶寶地,因此居民以老榕樹為題材,創作了 「榕仔公」這一首社區之歌。除了社區之歌外,劉厝社區目前也以「樂(music)在劉厝」為主要社區營造目標,並開設了二胡以及中國笛教學班,讓有興趣的 居民來共同學習。居民除了能夠唱出自己的歌之外,藉由國樂培訓計畫的展開,讓他們更能用樂器演奏出屬於自己的故事。在劉厝社區指導中國笛的老師林建華表 示,我的班級都每個都很熱心在推動社區營造,一進到社區來的感覺是非常舒服。透過社區發展協會的努力以及居民們的配合,劉厝的居民用音樂將自己與家鄉連 結,用熱情展現出對自己土地的疼惜。