
Reckless destruction of ‘Ruicheng House’

2011/09/27 17:55
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PeoPo推 1


‘Ruicheng House’, which is located in Yongzhen Ln., Nantun Dist., Taichung City, is an important piece of perfectly intact one-hundred-and-fourteen-year-old architectural heritage. On the 9th September, Taichung City Government proposed that ‘Ruicheng House’ be considered as the first place of important historical importance in the city. Sadly, in the early hours of the 20th of September an excavator entered the grounds and wantonly smashed this valuable piece of Taiwanese heritage to bits. Even before authorities had time to notify the public of the conservation notice, ‘Ruicheng House’ had already been recklessly destroyed by shameful members of the public. According to reports, the excavator theft was reported by a development company at six in the morning – everyone involved in the situation believes that there is more to the theft report than meets the eye, and are questioning the integrity of the story.

Taichung Deputy Mayor Cai Bing-Kun expressed fury, and called for the unit responsible to order a complete unrestricted halt to building work until police have fully investigated the situation. He also demanded that the proposed path of the HSR be altered in order to fully protect ‘Ruicheng House’. In addition, Taichung City Government Cultural Affairs Bureau set up ‘Ruicheng House Emergency Rescue Group’, and on the morning of the 21st held an emergency meeting of specialists in the field. The on-the-spot investigation did not rule out a restoration of ‘Ruicheng House’, and is calling for the offenders of this deplorable crime to be held fully accountable and liable for all restoration fees. Furthermore, the police have placed a temporary round-the-clock guard on the site while they secure the long-term protection of a professional security company.

‘Ruicheng House’ is the first place to be have had a heritage conservation order placed on it since Taichung was upgraded to a municipality, and the first place of architectural heritage since this upgrade to be destroyed. ‘Ruicheng House’ survived the 921 Earthquake, but was sadly destroyed in this rapidly developing world by an excavator. This kind of blatant disregard of authority is the first step towards anarchy, so at this time we must all look to see where exactly the authority of Taichung City Government has gone?

Reckless destruction of ‘Ruicheng House’ – government attitude woefully inadequate (by CJ Jerry)



怪手搗毀「瑞成堂」-無政府狀態的展現(CJ Jerry)


「瑞 成堂」位於台中市南屯區永鎮巷,是一座一百一十四年的老建築,極具保存價值,台中市政府於9月9日由暫定古蹟審議成為臺中市第一個「直轄市市定古蹟」,但 20日凌晨卻有怪手入侵,將瑞成堂搗毀。還來不及公告就被不肖人士開進怪手進行破壞,想殲滅古蹟於無形,據報怪手還是工地失竊的怪手,屬於開發公司所有, 一大早六點多報警失竊,大家都懷疑內情並不單純。

而台中市副市長蔡炳坤則表示震怒,要求瑞成堂所在地的自辦都市重劃單位「台中市高鐵新市 鎮自辦重劃會」即日起無限期全面停工,直到檢警單位查明後再行辦理;也將對瑞成堂所在地涉及計畫道路細部變更,提出部分區域續予停工計畫,以持續保護瑞成 堂。而台中市文化局也成立「瑞成堂古蹟緊急搶救小組」,並於21日上午邀集專家學者至現場會勘,不排除原地原貌修復,相關費用依法向違法者求償。並於即刻 起由警察局派員24小時駐守現場,並緊急僱請保全公司進駐長期負責安全保護工作。
「瑞成堂」為台中升格直轄市後的第一件市定古蹟,也是升格後第一件被毀的古 蹟,921震不倒的古蹟,卻毀在世界的大台中開發的怪手之下,此舉無視公權力存在的行徑,好像處於無政府狀態,現在就要看看台中市政府公權力到底在哪裡了?




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