
Lioucuo Park raises dispute – Chinese Banyan tree sighs!

2011/09/14 10:28
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During Huang Min Hui’s term in office as mayor of Chiayi, 14 public parks were constructed in the city, however the citizen journalist who inspected "Lioucuo No.1 Park", which was opened in 2008, found a whole host of problems including a redundant sprinkler system, water areas turned into mosquito breeding grounds, a lack of general renovation work and damage to many of the installations.  In addition, paving slabs on the walkway through the park are in a terrible condition, there is a hole on the decking of the wooden bridge and many wooden seats in the park are broken or damaged. This multitude of problems has created a perilous journey for locals who wish to use the park. Locals have already approached authorities regarding the matter, resulting in the placement of a public notice in the park to announce that the litigation process regarding the matter is under way. The citizen journalist covering the story has called into question a process that allows public facilities to degrade in just over a year without any questions asked.

The citizen journalist telephoned the management division of Chiayi Economic Development Bureau only to be informed in a rather intolerant manner, “As the work is still within the guarantee period, this matter is for the original contractor to deal with. The contractor and the sub-contractor have begun the litigation procedure.’ In fact, local residents simply need a green area that is clean and safe, but sadly have so far failed to receive this. 

Moreover, directly opposite "Lioucuo No.1 Park" is the planned “228 International Commemoration Park”, which started work in 2007 and was scheduled for completion in 2008. In 2008, the piece of land was supposed to be a lush green bamboo forest, but today in 2011 it remains an expanse of waste ground overgrown with weeds.


Lioucuo Park raises dispute – Chinese Banyan tree sighs! (by CJ ellenlee)



劉厝公園惹爭議,連榕仔公也搖頭嘆息 ( ellenlee )


嘉義市在黃敏惠市長任內以來,已經興建了十四座公園,但公民記者檢視於民國97年開放使用的「劉厝一號公園」,卻發現噴水灑水系統彷彿虛設,積水處滋生蚊 蠅、停滯修繕與設備毀壞等問題。此外,劉厝公園設有環園步道,但是地磚地面毀敗不堪,木椅殘破,木橋斷裂破洞,讓當地民眾散起步來危機四伏。有民眾表示, 已打去嘉義市政府反映,但公園裡只見相關興訟案件的告示,公民記者質疑這樣就可以任由相關設備毀敗一年多而不設法改善嗎?

公民記者電話聯繫嘉義市政府建設處公園管理科,承辦人員陳小姐無奈地回覆:「這個案還是由原來承包商做保固期,那因為協力廠商,就是供貨那個地方的連鎖商 那個廠商,跟我們承包跟市府承包的廠商,現在在行政訴訟中。」其實當地的居民,需要的只是一個簡單乾淨又安全的公共綠色空間,但是似乎很難達到。





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