
Stepping out from the air-crash shadow – ‘Miracle Coffee Shop’ creates a real miracle for local man

2011/08/22 11:47
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PeoPo推 0

On the 16th of February 1998, China Airlines Flight 676 crashed in Secion 2, Guoji Road, Dayuan Township, Taoyuan County, resulting in the death of 202 people. After the disaster, residents in the crash zone moved away from the area; the disaster opening a wound that would never heal for the people of the area. Chen Yi-feng, who had family members that died in the disaster, expressed that the grief of parting with loved ones and the trauma of the event gave him a real insight into the impermanence of life. His family, which was severely affected by the disaster, has now turned the family home into a place for viewing planes while sipping on a coffee or chomping on a meal. He named the place ‘Miracle Coffee Shop’, as the emergence of the shop has given the area a new lease of life, which after what the ordeal locals have gone through, is indeed a miracle.

Stepping out from the air-crash shadow – ‘Miracle Coffee Shop’ creates a real miracle for local man (by CJ eardeaf)



揮別空難陰影 奇跡咖啡創造在地人的奇蹟(公民記者 eardeaf)


1998年2月16日,中華航空676號班機墜毀在桃園縣大園鄉國際路二段,造成202人不幸罹難。在飛機意外失事後,空難現場住戶紛紛搬遷,大園空難成 為大園 人心中永遠無法癒合的傷口。同為大園空難罹難者家屬的陳益丰,在經歷與親人生離死別的悲痛後,更體悟了人生的無常。他的家曾受大園空難嚴重波及,如今他轉 念把家園搖身變成賞覽飛機、享用餐點的咖啡廳,並取名為「奇跡咖啡廳」。咖啡廳的存在讓這個地方再次展現生機,真的創造了屬於在地人的奇蹟。




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