
Is this fair? Visually impaired see no future

2011/08/15 17:46
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A group of visually impaired students are currently asking feedback from customers in order to make the appropriate adjustments to their massage technique. Unfortunately, this group of students many find that the massage industry is out of bounds to them after new legal statutes come into effect on the 31st of October 2012. Many believe that the new testing system for massage therapists will put visually impaired therapists under attack. Although the new testing system is aimed at making the industry more impartial, however regrettably many visually impaired therapist who rely on massage to eke out a living may find an already difficult situation even tougher.

Fortunately, a teacher from the Centre for Blind and Visually Impaired Students at Tamkang University(淡江大學盲生資源中心) raised money to create a place for the students to work over the summer. Teacher Cheng Ying-ren(鄭景仁), from the center expressed that it was important to provide such places as it would be extremely difficult for these visually impaired students to find any kind of part-time work positions outside the campus. Teacher Cheng often reminds students that it is important to leave outdated traditional thinking patterns behind, and encourages them to search out new avenues for work opportunities – only them he says can they overcome the vicissitudes of life.

Is this fair? Visually impaired see no future (by CJ LittleC)



平等嗎?視障者看不見未來 ( 小C ) 


一群視障學生正在貼心詢問顧客,並適當地調整手部力道幫顧客按摩。不過這群視障生在大法官釋憲後,可能面臨按摩市場被瓜分的情況。政府將於民國100年 10月31日開放明眼人按摩技術士的考試,對於視障者而言,是一個很大的衝擊。開放明眼人按摩技術士考試是為了社會公平,但對於視障者而言,他們多數只能 依靠按摩來生活,政府目前的政策恐怕會讓他們面臨更加辛苦的日子。為了提供視障生暑期打工的去處,淡江大學盲生資源中心的老師集資,興建了一間「魔獸按摩 小站」。淡江大學盲生資源中心老師鄭景仁表示,剛好有這個地方,就協助他們,畢竟他們時間上如果要去外面一般打工的話,也比較不太容易配合跟外面。鄭景仁 也鼓勵盲生要跳脫傳統思考,多尋求工作機會,才能因應社會變遷。




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