Ironmongers in the clouds
In order to meet the day-to-day needs of local people, Chiayi citizen, Chen Wen-cheng, decided to open a mobile ironmonger’s shop. Originally, it was proprietor Li Shih-zhen, who in the face of a changing world took the initiative to open a mountain service that provides hardware and everyday necessities. He then hired Chen Wen-cheng to manage one of the trucks on the Alishan route, saving local people the trouble of running around trying to find what they needed. The idea to begin selling knives and scissors came from Li Shih-zhen who made Chen Wen-cheng his shop manager.
The shop, which has been opened for over several years, sells everything from hardware, extending out into everyday necessities such as toothpaste and toothbrushes - people of every age can go and are sure to find something that they require. Following the Typhoon Morakot disaster, local people were busy trying to get their lives back to normal and so had even less time to run around buying things: it was at this time that the mobile-ironmongers showed its versatility and usefulness. Currently, Chen Wen-cheng even provides an after-sales sharpening service for his knifes, which helps to put customers’ minds at rest. Chen Wen-cheng expressed that although the income from sales sometimes barely meets his fuel money, however with the friendships he has built up on the route and with all the people who rely on the service, he feels it’s important to continue providing the service.
Ironmongers in the clouds (by CJ CU8060)
雲端上的行動百貨行 影音 ( 公義使者 )
嘉義民眾沈文成開著這一部「行動五金行」,滿足顧客各式各樣的需求,原來這是五金行老闆李士振面對時代改變,主動出擊、上山下海的貼心服務,聘請沈文成開 著貨車,在阿里山公路上穿梭服務、販售五金用品與生活用品,讓山區民眾免去奔波之苦。行動五金行的點子來自開設刀剪行的老闆李士振,李士振請沈文成擔任店 長來經營,七八年下來販售的產品也從五金製品延伸到生活用品,像是牙膏牙刷等等,男女老少都可以在這裡找到需要的產品。沈文成說,88水災之後,山區民眾 忙著復耕,下山的時間更少,「行動五金行」就更重要了,他現在還提供磨刀的售後服務,讓顧客就感心。不過沈文成說,現在有時候利潤還不足夠來付油錢,但還 是要繼續作下去,因為這台行動五金行已經裝載了許多友誼和情感,值得他持續付出。