
Farmers take to the streets – related reports

2011/07/28 17:39
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Farmers take to the streets – related reports

16th July - Come on farmers! (by CJ mayeok)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/80511

Sun-drying freshly harvested rice in Kaidagelan paddy field (by CJ rioslu)

URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/80557

Puffed rice cakes and night vigil (by CJ bulamyang) 


Puyu War on Kaidagelan Blvd.: Citizen Journalist highly expected (by CJ Ben)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/80600

Return on Kaidagelan Blvd.: 17th of July farmer’s rebellion (by CJ Katherine)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/80698

Insisting on Land Justice, fighting against water deprivation and land enclosure (by CJ civil media)

URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/80673

The students behind the social movements (by CJ calandafrank)

URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/80771


Last year at this time on the 17th of July 2010, farmers from all over the nation gathered together to stop draconian land enclosure laws and called for immediate amendments of land expropriation regulations - one year later, the ruthless plundering of farmland continues unabated. In Hsinzhu’s Zhudong, farmers have been fighting against expropriation for the last 30 years, and in Zhubei farmers have been fighting against the Puyu Development Plan for the last 10 years – the same story of farmers being harshly treated and forced to fight for their land repeats itself time and time again. This year on the 17th of July, Taiwan Rural Front and other farmers groups launched many activities including a night vigil, to rally support for Taiwanese farmers and their bitter struggle against unfair treatment and forced expropriation of their land. Farmers nationwide are furious with the government’s continual expropriation of farmland and cold indifference towards agriculture. The movement is calling on the government to immediately amend land acquisition laws and to desist from harming the interests of farmers.



716農民加油 ( 香氣無法檔 (maybeok)

凱稻 716 守夜 717 曬榖 ( 地球保衛 (rioslu)

凱道匉米香 ( bulamyang )

璞玉凱道六 公民媒體受期待 ( 阿Ben )

重返凱道:717農民起義 冠瑄 (katherine)

堅持土地正義、力抗搶水圈地 ( 公民行動影音紀錄資料庫 (civil media)






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