
Balaguan – a Daniao revival

2011/07/15 09:30
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Taidong’s Daniao Tribe has spanned the generation gap, bringing together the young and the old to create a space for youth meetings. After over 6 months of planning and labor, in May the traditional building, which used only traditional building materials and techniques, was finally completed. The communal space will be used to pass on tribal culture and provide a place where important traditional activities can be held. Traditionally, this kind of meeting place was called, ‘Balaguan’ in the tribe’s own language, and the idea to build it came from the youth activity and traditional skills center at Taiwan’s Paiwan tribe, where the knowledge of traditional ceremonies and culture is passed on to the young generation of the tribe. Fifty years of cultural oppression from the ruling Han government and modernization have meant that the tribe’s culture has gradually waned. However starting from this year, tribes all over Taiwan are hoping that youth centers like these can help to facilitate the revival of their tribal cultures in the spirit of mutual support and care.    

The Youth Club building was funded by World Vision, and helped by The Association of Taitung Pacavalj Cultural Development who invited tribal elders to lead the youth group into the forest, collect building materials, build teamwork and finally impart the necessary traditional skills to erect the building. The inspiration and main driving force behind the finished building, which stands 180 square feet, was from village chief Wang Chung-shan. At present, The Association of Taitung Pacavalj Cultural Development is in the process of raising funds to do some basic interior decoration. It is forecast that by August the youth center will be ready to invite the three village chiefs to hold a formal opening ceremony, lighting a symbolic fire for the tribe’s prosperous future.

Balaguan – a Daniao revival (nccu empowering)



巴拉冠文化 大鳥部落現身(公民記者 政在發聲(nccu empowering)


台東大鳥部落,橫 跨老中青世代族人合力建造的大鳥青年會所,歷經大半年的規劃、施工,終於在五月底完工,這個用傳統工法打造、開放給全部落使用的空間,將是未來大鳥族人文 化學習、傳承的重要活動場所。傳統上,原民語稱為「巴拉冠」的青年會所,原是卑南、排灣族青壯年男子學習部落生活技能、傳承文化祭典儀式的場所,受到漢 化、現代化衝擊,50多年來巴拉冠傳統逐漸式微,但是近年來,中生代紛紛在各自部落採取行動,希望以會所為中介、組織部落男女青年傳承文化、重建以往相互 扶持及關懷的精神。大鳥青年會所透過世界展望會出資、笆札筏文化協會則去邀請部落長老教導青年,到山林裡採集建材,協力興建完成。會所佔地30坪,由部落 頭目王中山捐獻,目前笆札筏文化協會還在募款、做些簡單裝潢,預計八月邀請村裡三位頭目一起主持啟用儀式,象徵薪火傳承。




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