When the situation calls, use the gents!
New Taipei City’s Pingxi District is considered a popular spot for many tourists. Unfortunately, when many tourist coaches arrive together there is only one outcome – long lines of desperate tourists waiting to use the public lavatory. As this is a main rendezvous point on the Pingxi line, tourist coaches usually only allocate a ten-minute-wait, and so any women caught in these snaking queues have no alternative but to use the male lavatory; the surprising thing being that the male users don’t even blink an eyelid! It is hoped that this news report will highlight this long-standing issue in relation to these public facilities and urge the relevant authorities to take the initiative and improve the situation.
When the situation calls, use the gents!
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/79346
情非得已,男廁借用!(公民記者 大堀溪小兵)
北部的平溪線,是眾多休閒旅客嚮往的旅遊聖地。不過如果各方旅客碰巧在同一個時間來到石碇服務站,就會出現廁所前大排長龍的景象。因為這裡是東西兩方前往 平溪線的會師點,遊覽車在這個服務站停留的時間 通常只有10分鐘,一旦排起長龍,我們的女性朋友在情不得已下,就只好衝往男廁,而男士們似乎一點都不見怪。這則新聞點出了存在已久的男女公廁比例問題, 也希望引發相關單位注意,早日採取行動來改善。