Another development project on the Eastern Coast! Introducing Jihui Fishing Port
On the 30th of May, developers of Taitung’s Baoshengshuizu Ecological Recreation Area held a meeting in Sanxianli, Chenggong Township to discuss a development project. On the day of the meeting, the 40 or more members of the public who attended were astonished to discover that the development would commence 7 days following the meeting – the ‘meeting’ was apparently more for information than for discussion. In light of the complete lack of adequate information during the presentation, locals that attended the meeting requested that the relevant body first obtain comprehensive information regarding the development and then reconvene at a later date. In addition, locals felt it important that the presentation information be translated into the Ami Tribe’s native language in order to allow local tribal people to understand the current situation. The relevant body flatly refused any such demands, emphasizing that they were not willing to make any such promises – they reiterated, “The meeting is merely to inform local residents that the development will commence in one week’s time – the start date is not a topic for discussion”. After taking into consideration that the government failed to even send a representative to attend the meeting, locals felt impelled to stand firm and refuse agreeing to this development.
In order to familiarize himself with this planned development which literally came out of the blue, the CJ covering the story decided to visit Jihui Fishing Port, situated in the most southerly extremity of Sansiantai, a hidden gem that apart from locals very few people know about. Although this is a small unassuming fishing port, however it is literally overflowing with vitality and life, and in addition one of the last remaining pockets of coral reef on the East Coast. According to a report by the Eastern Marine Biology Research Center, this small marine area represents 2.5% of total fish species found in Taiwan, and therefore has called for the area to be designated as an ecological conservation area. No one thought that this area on Taiwan’s East Coast, which boasts outstanding natural beauty and richly abundant marine life, would be in danger of being turned into an ecological recreation area. Only time will tell whether or not the area can retain its unique beauty and character once “developed”.
Another development project on the Eastern Coast! Introducing Jihui Fishing Port(by CJ smbigsun)
東海岸另一個大型開發案!基翬漁港速描 ( 欖仁居修行生活網 )
台東寶盛水族生態遊樂區開發案5月30日在台東縣成功鎮三仙里活動中心舉辦施工前說明會,超過40位與會民眾到會場後,才知道此開發案七天後即將動工,「說 明會僅是告知」。開發單位在毫無開發書面資料下以簡報進行說明,民眾要求開發單位提供相關資料後重新召開說明會,並將說明會內容翻譯成阿美族語讓在地居民 更瞭解情況。但開發單位不願承諾:「這是動工說明會,僅告知在地居民,下星期一一定動工。」5月30日當天成功鎮公所未派員出席這個耗資數億元的大型開發 案,居民最後紛紛撤銷出席簽到,不願為這個大型的開發案背書。
為了瞭解過去未曾聽聞的這個大開發案,公民記者實地走訪基翬漁港,這個位於 三仙台南端的小漁港,除非是當地人,否則知道的人並不多。雖然是一個小型漁港,但是卻蘊藏了無限的生機,更是東海岸珊瑚礁最後的一塊淨土。據東部海洋研究 中心的調查發現,這片小小的海域,魚種即佔全台灣魚種的2.5%,因此建議規劃為海洋生態保護區。沒想到這個有花東海岸線海底景觀最美的地方。就要變成一 個生態遊樂區,開發後此景還會存在嗎?