
PeoPo and Community University Teacher’s Training Camp Sharing Experience and Building Bridges

2011/06/15 11:22
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PeoPo and Community University Teacher’s Training Camp Sharing Experience and Building Bridges

‘Grassroots, voice out’ (Our people, our voice) is the guiding principle at PeoPo News, and also a core value at many local community universities. In the past few years, community universities all over Taiwan have been opening up courses related to citizen journalism.

On the 4th of June 2011, PeoPo joined hands in cooperation with the National Association for the Promotion of Community Universities and Taiwan Media Watch, to jointly raise the ‘Community College Teachers Citizen Journalism Teacher’s Training Workshop’. Around 20 teachers were invited to take part in the workshop that was held to provide an opportunity for community university teachers throughout Taiwan to share their citizen journalism experience and knowledge with each other.

The situation at each and every community college is different, and a few of the teachers have already opened classes, or are in the process of doing so – including Da Bao-long at Panchiao Community University, Wu Mao-cheng at Tainan Community University’s Taichang Branch School, Peng Rui-xiang at Daan Community College and Jady from Songshan and Nangang Community Universities who all shared their experience. There are also a number of teachers who have not yet opened classes in this field, but who are eager to promote the concept of citizen journalism.

Over and above sharing experiences, in the afternoon, three group leaders used a laid-back approach to get the teachers discussing what exactly constitutes citizen journalism. Everyone present, pooled ideas on how to overcome teaching difficulties, how to attract potential students and how to make the courses as exciting as possible.

It is hoped that this approach will allow even more people to become familiar with citizen journalism, and give them the opportunity to upload the stories that matter to them onto PeoPo’s online platform. With action and community consciousness being so elemental in both PeoPo and community universities, cooperation between the two has come quite naturally.

An entire day of communication and sharing left each participating teacher well rewarded. In the future, each and every one of these teachers will be an important seed - growing, maturing and in turn spreading citizen journalism seeds throughout the length and breadth of Taiwan. With them, the concept and practice of citizen journalism can be planted within communities stretching all over the nation, slowly take hold and eventually bear rich fruit.




PeoPo社大師資培訓營 經驗分享交流 在地深耕, 向外發聲, 這是PeoPo公民新聞平台的重要訴求,而這樣的理念與長期在地方社區經營的社區大學不謀而合,這幾年全台灣已經陸續有多所社大開設公民新聞相關課程。








除了經驗分享,下午更以世界咖啡館的形式,由三位桌長帶領,讓社大老師們透過開放的對話,針對什麼是公民新聞、 授課中困難如何克服、如何吸引學員興趣等三大主題,眾人集思廣益。







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