
Execute the law – illegal building and fishing unpoliced!

2011/06/07 10:35
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Areas of water conservation attempt to give people the impression that there are many stringent safeguards in place, however at Yuanshanyan Reservoir located in New Taipei City’s Sanxia District, an area responsible for providing drinking water to approximately 3 million households, widespread pollution is clearly visible. In April of this year, the private proprietor who erected an illegal restaurant on Maopu Road, sitting on the banks of the reservoir, decided to discharge all wastewater directly into the reservoir.

Workers at the reservoir expressed that the restaurant in question has already been warned to cease business operations and the appropriate demolition body notified, but for the last two months the situation has remained unresolved. It appears that with regards to these kinds of unscrupulous traders, the city government continually drags its feet without carrying out appropriate procedures. Erqiao Village mayor, Li Jin-liang and Erjia Village mayor Lin Shui-tu, who have been aware of the pollution problem in this area for a very long time, made a special point of leading the journalist to the midsection of the reservoir by bicycle where they illustrated in great detail the sheer extent of the pollution problem.

In accordance with water conservation regulations angling, nets and boating are all prohibited in the reservoir, however in addition to these common sights in the reservoir, the local fishing fraternity have a host of other ways to exacerbate the pollution problem. In the past, polite words of warning were met with fierce face-to-face conflicts and angry confrontational attitudes, and today it seems as though the Water Resources Agency and New Taipei City Government have conceded Yuanshanyan to the rule of local anglers. This concession to allow anglers and unscrupulous businessmen to rule the roost sadly means that each and every day the innocent people of New Taipei City unwittingly consume large quantities of this ‘poison water’.

Execute the law – illegal building and fishing unpoliced!




施鐵腕?違建、釣客污染水質沒人管! ( 藍天採訪組 )


水源區給人的印象是受到嚴格的保護,然而位於新北市三峽區,供應大臺北及桃園地區300萬戶用水的板新給水廠鳶山堰,卻敞開門戶,任人遭蹋污染。今年四月 初有民眾在水庫上方蓋起違建經營卡拉ok店,這家店就蓋在三峽區茅埔路緊臨水庫上方,店家使用過的廢水直接排放,流進水庫,據板新水廠人員表示,這家店在 新建時已勸導過,同時也通報拆除大隊處理,可是已經過了兩個月,市府對這種污染水源的不肖業者,竟然一拖再拖不拆除,新北市鶯歌區,長期關心鳶山堰水質污 染的二橋里里長李金量及二甲里里長林水土特別帶領記者前往水庫中段的尾水自行車道實地勘察。依水利法相關規定,水庫是禁止垂釣、捕撈及行駛舟船的,可是當 地還有許多態度強悍的釣客在污染水源,保全曾經因為好言規勸卻被惡言相向,這座鳶山堰顯然在水利署及新北市政府的縱容下,正在自生自滅,新北市的無辜小 民,天天享受大有為政府供應的毒水而不自知。




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