‘Oppose Formosa Plastics All Over’, Protect Taiwan Forever’ activity
On the 20th of April, people from 6 counties in Taiwan came out together to take part in the ‘Oppose Formosa Plastics All Over’, Protect Taiwan Forever’ activity. At a predetermined time, protestors began activities in a wide number of locations including, Changhua Railway Station, Taichung’s National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Hsinchu Railway Station, Office of the President, Kaohsiung City Council, National Cheng Kung University etc. In the Taipei activity, the National Youth Alliance Against KuoKuang Petrochemical Project came out to appeal to the people for unity in opposing KuoKuang Petrochemical Corporation making fake daily newspapers.
Their protest march began at a Taipei guesthouse and concluded at Taipei City’s Zhongshan MRT Station, where they started to spread the handmade fake newspapers, such as Fake China Times, Fake Apple Daily or Fake United Daily News, and mimicking the internet platform to add “Like” button by fingerprints to connect with the crowd. The Hsinchu activity was held at the plaza in front of the railway station, with an ‘Oppose The Formosa Plastics' Petrochemical Corporation’ evening party. Each and every activity brought together many people and students with sincere concern about environmental and ecological protection issues – making each activity unique and well worth remembering. Formosa Plastics' Petrochemical Corporation’s EIA is currently underway.
420 ‘Oppose Formosa Plastics All Over’, Protect Taiwan Forever’ activity – Taipei Area (by CJ civil media)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/75128
Opposition to The Formosa Plastics' Petrochemical Corporation spring up all over – HsinZhu Area (by CJ Taiwan Cycling)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/75216
Oppose The Formosa Plastics' Petrochemical Corporation Banner (by CJ linjuichu)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/75193
420「遍地反國光、永續護台灣」行動--台北場 (公民記者 公民行動影音記錄資料庫)
反國光石化 遍地開花 新竹場(公民記者 台灣孔明車)
反國光百納旗(公民記者 linjuichu )
4月20日晚間,全國六縣市同步進行,「遍地反國光、永續護台灣」行動,在彰化火車站、台中美術館、新竹火車站、台北總統府前(台北賓館)、高雄市議會、 成大力行校區等地出發進行遊行,台北場由台灣青年反國光石化聯盟號召民眾一同參與反國光石化議題,並特別製作各大報山寨版報紙,遊行隊伍由台北賓館出發至 新光三越站前店,並現場派發自製的中國蚵報、聯蚵報、蘋果蚵報給民眾,並製作時下流行的按讚板,提供意見相同的民眾參與在看板上蓋下指紋表示按按之意。新 竹場在新竹火車站前廣場舉辦 反國光祈福晚會,各個現場活動都聚集許多關心環保與生態環境的民眾與學生,共同參與這值得紀念的一刻。目前國光石化環評尚在進行中。