Japan Go, Go, Go - Japanese version
The 311 Earthquake in North-eastern Japan triggered a tsunami and a chain of events that led to a severe nuclear crisis. To show their concern for the Japanese children affected by the disaster, the children at National Taipei University of Education Experimental Elementary School not only held fund-raising events but the also arranged themselves into the form of ‘Japan GO,GO,GO’. Children at the school hope the children of Japan will see their ‘human banner’ and get a boost in morale. In addition, the teacher who arranged the activities went to special effort to find a child that could speak Japanese so as the children of Japan would definitely understand.
Japan Go, Go, Go - Japanese version (by Teacher A-Zhe)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/72814
日本加油(日文版喔)(公民記者 阿哲老師 報導)
311日本東北發生大地震引發海嘯與一連串的核能安全危機,各方救災物資紛紛湧進的同時,在台灣台北市的國立台北教育大學附設實驗國民小學,為了表達對日 本災區小朋友的關懷,除了舉辦募款活動,全校小朋友還以人型排出「日本加油」的字樣,希望遠在北方的日本小朋友,能接收到大大的加油、打氣!而老師也特別 找了一位會說日語的小朋友,為影片念上旁白,讓日本的小朋友真的聽得懂。