Golden turtle passed down three successive generations
After 5 days of casting oracle sticks at Penghu’s ‘Turtle Activity’ in the Lantern Festival that finished on the 21st of February (19th of the lunar calendar), the golden turtle that reached the value of 120000 NTD finally found a new owner. In the end, it was ‘Chen Bing-jian’, an older cousin of last year’s winner (Wu Ji-li), who took the valuable 8.6Kg golden turtle home. Chen Bing-jian, the lucky winner is still attending high school and came Penghu with his family to celebrate the lantern festival.
He tossed an amazing 6 holy grails, a record that proved unbeatable over the five days of the festival. Chen Bing-jian’s parents expressed their overwhelming gratitude and joy over being fortunate enough to once again take home the auspicious golden turtle, which over the last two years has brought peace, happiness and prosperity to the whole family.
Golden turtle passed down three successive generations (by CJ Penghudai)
澎湖金龜王 得主家族三連霸 (公民記者 澎湖代 報導)
澎湖元宵節的乞金龜活動在2月21日(農曆正月十九)結束,位於澎湖縣馬公市鎖港里北極殿內市價高達1200萬的黃金龜,在經過5天的擲筊之後,新得主終 於誕生,結果是去年得主吳吉力小朋友的表哥,陳秉鍵,同一個家族的成員,以6個聖杯將這隻重量230兩的黃金龜給帶回家,讓家族三連霸。替家族抱回黃金龜 的是還在唸高三的陳秉鍵,跟著家族來到澎湖過元宵,他擲出6個聖杯,五天下來都沒人能破其記錄。陳秉鍵的父母也表示平安即是福,過去兩年來,金龜保佑他們 一家平安健康、事業順利,今年能夠第三度將金龜王乞回家,他們覺得非常幸運。