Great compassion of mountain policemen towards dogs
Officers at the local police office near Taipingshan National Forest Recreation Area have fostered a great many handicapped dogs whose legs had been cut off in hunting traps. In addition to their left over scraps, the officers have dipped into their own pockets to buy bread and dog food rather than see the dogs abandoned. Among the pack, one particularly unfortunate dog only retains its two front legs, its back legs being cut off in two separate trappings, the second of which took it two painful weeks to crawl its way back home. Although the dog is making do with getting around on the front two legs, however it is obviously tiring work and it needs to pause for frequent rests – a saddening sight for all!
Another small black dog, that also suffered injury at the hands of similar hunting traps, is said by the officers to still be capable of serving as a mountain guide, accompanying climbers and tourists to Dongbu. The CJ who captured the story has enormous respect for these incredibly compassionate officers that not only look after the many climbers and tourists visiting the area, but also go beyond the call of service and take care of these unfortunate disabled dogs. It is hoped that the instruments of murder responsible for these kinds of injuries will disappear, and both climbers and dogs will be given a space to roam safely, free of this kind of threat and danger.
Great compassion of mountain policemen towards dogs (by CJ smbigun)
向陽山上的愛心警察與狗狗們(公民記者 欖仁居修行生活網 報導)
台東縣海端鄉向陽森林遊樂區旁的派出所員警們,共同收留了許多被捕獸夾夾斷腳的殘障狗狗,除了剩餘的菜餚外,他們還買麵包、狗飼料給這些殘而不廢的狗狗 吃,而其中一隻小花,後兩腳在兩次意外中被捕獸夾夾斷,經過兩禮拜後才脫困返家,目前只剩下前兩腳,牠還是努力用兩腳練習走路,雖然平衡感還不錯,但走沒多遠就需要休息,令人心疼。另外一隻小黑在受傷後,據警員說還能擔任高山嚮導,陪伴登山客到東埔,公民記者對向陽山上的愛心警察們致上萬分的尊崇之 意,他們在照顧登山客之餘,也愛心照顧這些殘障的狗狗,期盼這些狗狗悲慘的遭遇不要再發生,更希望捕獸器這些置動物於死地的兇器,不要再出現,留給登山客 和動物們一個沒有恐懼的乾淨空間。更希望捕獸器的取締與存廢問題,相關主管單位能早日確實規範。