200 Citizen Journalist Groups Severely Criticize Government and Financial Consortiums for Placement Marketing
Advertisements taking on the guise of real news have been an all too common phenomenon in recent years, and the victims of this kind of fake news is no other than the public at large. It seems that there is no area of the news that is beyond the control of the business sector not to mention those trying to gain political interests. It has been left to organizations such as, Citizen Congress Watch, Association of Taiwan Journalists, and National Association of Community Universities etc, to take up the fight and call on the media world to use their professionalism and responsibility to society to address the issue.
The three main demands are:1- Legislate to forbid government and political news buying, immediately stop placement marketing and put into practice The Freedom of Government Information Law. 2 - Business world must impose self-control and end using monetary means to blind the people. 3 - Executives and those in positions of power within the media should carry out the will of the people, clearly stating when an advertisement appears and stop forcing fake news down the throats of the people.
200 Citizen Journalist Groups Severely Criticize Government and Financial Consortiums for Placement Marketing(by CJ claudia)
二百多個公民團體痛批政府與財團買新聞造假(公民記者 claudia 報導)
廣 告披上新聞的糖衣,是當前極為普遍的現象,全民都是被迫吃下假新聞的受害者,而商業利益對新聞報導無孔不入的滲透,並不亞於政治新聞。由公民監督國會聯 盟、台灣新聞記者協會、社區大學全國促進會等兩百餘公民團體發起及連署聲援,呼籲新聞媒體應負起專業及社會責任,主要訴求有三:一、修法禁止政府及政黨購 買新聞,立即停止置入行銷,確實執行資訊公開法;二、企業應自我節制,尊重媒體工作者的專業,不再用金錢欺瞞社會大眾;三、媒體經營者及高層應負起社會責 任,廣告應明確標示,不再魚目混珠。