
When Can Wanbao’s Farmers Finally Farm in Peace

2011/01/13 16:53
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PeoPo推 1

On the 4th of January last year, the Construction and Planning Administration’s planning committee of the Ministry of Interior investigated ‘Miaoli Houlong Science Park Development Plan Feasibility Report’ by Miaoli County Government. Originally, the committee members unanimously recommended that the plan be turned down, however later the Council For Economic Planning And Development as well as The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industrial Development Bureau both expressed favor for the plan. In the end, a decision was reached to ask Miaoli County Government to amend the proposal and put the case forward once more.

The 6-month deadline is already up, however on the 17th of December the Ministry of Interior Construction and Planning Administration released a formal notice, ‘In communication with landowners’, with the purpose of extending the deadline another 3 months. If the Ministry of Interior Construction and Planning Administration accept the grounds for extension then the case will have to wait until the 30th of March before being amended. On the 5th of January, Wanbao farmers, who were joined by the neighboring Haibaoli farmers that are facing the expropriation of their land, held a press conference at the Legislative Yuan to oppose the plans.

Professor Xu Shi-rong, from National Chengchi University’s Department of Land Economics, said,  “On the 20th of July last year, president of the Executive Yuan, Wu Dun-yi, repeatedly indicated that in the future, development of industrial zones must not impinge on agricultural zones or areas which may be future agricultural zones, however it seems that the these Central Taiwan authorities have forgotten the promises that were made to the farmers”.

When Can Wanbao’s Farmers Finally Farm in Peace (by CJ TKTV)



灣寶農民何時才能安心種田 (公民記者 淡江大傳(TKTV) 報導)






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