
Migratory Bird Numbers Plummet at Wetlands

2010/12/22 18:11
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Aogu, one of the world’s biggest wetland habitats, has just entered into the peak season for migratory birds, however there seems to have been a marked decrease in numbers this year. Bird lovers say the reduction is due to a number of factors, including illegal local line and net fishing activity in combination with the local stray dog problem.  A portion of the local community carry antagonism towards the wetland park, and complain that the large number of migratory birds eat their reared fish and prawns, making it hard to eke out a living. Additionally, the relevant Forestry Bureau District Office stated that Aogu Forest Park will start official functioning in 2011, before then the related department will be closely monitoring the situation of birds and wildlife.

If we are to find a balance between ecology and economic development, then a comprehensive plan will need to be formulated to change the negative feelings that the people of Aogu hold towards the park and give the migratory birds of winter a safe and trouble-free habitat.

Migratory Bird Numbers Plummet at Wetlands – Concern Over Aogu(by CJ Enews)



溼地候鳥數減少 鰲鼓顯隱憂(公民記者 中正E報(Enews) 報導)






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