
Shaonian River Of Qinhe Village and Dong Zhuang River’s Barrier Lake

2010/12/06 17:43
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On the East side of Qinhe Village (Dong Zhuang River) and the expansive winding riverbed of the Shaonian River, the land is facing serious collapse. Makeshift roads on the upper reaches of the river that connect the villages of Fuxing, Meilan and Meishan have been built, but in the area around 98+780 in Provincial Highway 20 where a blockage in the river and the narrowing of river band has occurred, a rather spectacular barrier lake of giant proportions has formed. The large-scale reconstruction of roads that has begun and the inevitable depositing of debris and earth into the already clogged up river could prove to make this already dangerous situation worse. After Typhoon Morakot, villagers began to worry that this barrier lake would collapse and engulf the whole village. Although a refuge house has been provided for villagers in the mountain, however it is still hoped that the waterway can be dredged as soon as possible to eliminate any danger. Without eliminating the danger, residents of Qin and Dongzhuang Villages will continue to hold fear over the potential for a nightmarish disaster that every rainy season brings with it.



Shaonian River Of Qinhe Village and Dong Zhuang River’s Barrier Lake (by CJ Teacher Chen)


高雄縣勤和村少年溪上游[東莊溪]的『堰塞湖』(公民記者 陳老師 報導)






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