
〈國際白疤中心〉一個從愛出發 傳承愛的組織

2023/12/01 11:22
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白疤顏色再生術(White Scar Color Regeneration)

White scars are defined in this study as mature hypopigmented surgical or traumatic scars whose color is much lighter than surrounding skin, to the extent that they appear white.  https://academic.oup.com/asj/article/39/7/767/5284889


Dr. Tsao, a global research innovator, mentioned that inspired by his mentor Dr Noordhoff, after decades of dedicated research in the field of "making white scars disappear," it was like a seed deeply planted in the dark soil. Enduring the pressure of self-demand, it finally sprouted and gained recognition and applause on the international medical stage.


今年九月28日教師節時,於國際白疤中心籌備處正式宣佈成立國際白疤中心international White Scar Center。感謝各大媒體的支持與肯定,讓更多人知道這一個由愛出發,用愛傳承的中心。

On September 28th this year, on Teacher’s Day, the International White Scar Center was officially announced at the International White Scar Center preparatory office. Thanks to the support and recognition of major media outlets, more people are now aware of this center that originates and continues with love.


Through internationally renowned and patented white scar color regeneration techniques, patients with white scars can now choose to "heal white scars and eliminate emotional scars," opening a new chapter in life. This practice aims to achieve a world without white scars and eliminate disparities in medical care.


1. 【台灣民眾電子報】「國際白疤中心」今隆重成立 白疤顏色再生術推上國際舞台



2. 【鮮週報】台灣整形名醫曹賜斌宣布成立國際白疤中心 制定已故恩師羅慧夫生日國際白疤日



3. 【焦點時報】《國際白疤中心》成立,整形名醫曹賜斌:共享白疤治療新知,創造美好世界!



4. 【NEW586焦點傳媒】名醫曹賜斌醫師成立國際白疤中心 宣布629訂定國際白疤日



5. 【台灣好報】國際白疤中心掛牌成立 白疤顏色再生術推上國際舞台



6. 【卓越電子報】“International White Scar Center” Established: White Scar Color Regeneration Takes Center Stage Globally



7. 【台灣郵報】LOVE MAKES WHOLE 用愛彌補 曹賜斌醫師成立國際白疤中心



8. 【Yam News蕃薯藤】國際白疤中心掛牌成立 白疤顏色再生術推上國際舞台



9. 【LIFE台灣生活網】國際白疤中心掛牌成立 白疤顏色再生術推上國際舞台



10. 【OwlNews奧丁丁新聞網】國際白疤中心掛牌成立 白疤顏色再生術推上國際舞台



11. 【SPDLABNEWS品洋新聞網】患者福音!國際白疤中心隆重成立 白疤顏色再生術推上國際舞台



12. 【新高雄新聞】專注治療白疤 名醫成立國際白疤中心



13. 【Yahoo新聞】(特稿)曹賜斌創立「國際白疤日」 聯結國際醫界 造福全球白疤患者



14. 【品觀點】國際白疤中心成立 曹賜斌訂國際日紀念恩師羅慧夫院長





International White Scar Center



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