
〈International White Scar Center〉 Open Questions & Open Answers - Passing on Love

2023/10/15 14:04
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Through the International White Scar Center's open questions and answers, we hope to encourage everyone to pay more attention to those around them, because behind every white scar, there is a hidden and painful past.

We don't necessarily have to discuss white scars directly with others, but by sharing care and new knowledge about scar treatment, you can provide valuable assistance to those in need.


Q1: What core values does the International White Scar Center uphold in its establishment?

A1: The establishment of the International White Scar Center embodies the values of sharing and equality in medical progress. Its core value is to ensure that every person worldwide can have equal and prompt access to white scar treatment services, thus exemplifying the spirit of love and care.


Q2: Why was "International White Scar Day" set on June 29th each year, and how is it related to the passing on of love?

A2: Dr. Noordhoff proposed "Love Makes Whole," and the International White Scar Center uses "Passes On Love" to continue this legacy. Choosing June 29th each year as "International White Scar Day" is closely related to Dr. Noordhoff. This day marks his birthday, and we use it to express our deep respect for his selfless love and care. It also continues his values, emphasizing the passing on of love and medical progress to ensure that more people can benefit from advances in scar treatment.


Q3: What are the main goals of the International White Scar Center?

A3: The main goal of the International White Scar Center is to promote a better future for the world through the sharing of knowledge about white scar treatment. Its mission is to ensure that more people in need can easily access the medical services they require, leading to health and happiness.


Q4: What is the future outlook for the "White Scar Color Regeneration Technique," and how will it be achieved?

A4: The future outlook for the "White Scar Color Regeneration Technique" involves continuous improvement and enhancement, allowing more patients to receive high-quality treatment in their own countries. Through the sharing of expertise and international collaboration, this treatment method will continue to evolve to help patients overcome scars and emotional wounds, leading to a fresh start in life.




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