
A Basketball Game and Rebuilding After the Disaster

2010/11/09 10:36
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Lala Wuya Village (Leye) in Alishan Township, Chiayi County is the first indigenous people’s village to get back to normal and resume all activities after the Typhoon Morakot disaster – the main objective being to promote the tribe. This year the main objective and content of the activities has been to promote developments within culture, industry and tourism. This years Maple Leaf Cup Basketball Tournament has won the warm welcome and the enthusiastic support of the Village Youth Association, which is hoped can through the joint friendship bring about a clear understanding and focus as to the current development situation of the area as well as the joint promotion and marketing of the villages. Unfortunately, owing to some roads not yet fully fixed, the villages of Chashan and Xinmei were unable to attend this first post disaster activity, leaving many people disappointed.

A Basketball Game and Rebuilding After the Disaster (by CJ niahosa)

URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/63243


一場球賽與部落災後復建 (公民記者 鄒公報導)



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