
Crawling for Stray Dogs

2010/10/04 11:26
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The issue of stray cats and dogs is one that is always under discussion, a subject embracing such fundamental points as the humane treatment of all living creatures, social education and of course the important issue of public health.  With ‘World Animal Day’ on the 4th of October fast approaching, Huang Tai-shen and ‘Animal Rights in Taiwan’ who have been involved in the care of animals for a very long time have launched ‘ Crawling for Stray Dogs’ inviting people to bow down from mans lofty place and experience how it feels to be an abandoned animal, helpless and lost in a sprawling metropolis. It is hoped the initiative will raise awareness around this issue, and calling on Taiwan’s government to cease from neglecting this area and instead put in place a comprehensive plan to deal with stray animals and their plight, providing shelter, care and a more humane life for these unfortunate victims.

Crawling for Stray Dogs (by CJ dino.utopia)  
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/60263


為流浪動物苦「爬」(公民記者 dino.utopia 報導)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/60263





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