
Disaster at Laiyi Surpasses that of Morakot

2010/10/04 11:24
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Typhoon Fanabi ravaged Laiyi Village in Pingtung County with torrential rain sparing very few from it’s trail of destruction, washing away the main road and submerging almost all homes and dwellings in the area up to the first floor including Laiyi Elementary School. A local villager recounted, ‘ It was more sever than Typhoon Morakot”.  Fortunately as early as Saturday the 18th villagers decided to flee to the nearby Laiyi Senior High School for safety, and as a result there were no fatalities. Villagers are however now asking questions surrounding the impotence of the village dike to protect them and have been left with no option but to conclude that there must have been design problems. The villagers, who are mainly Paiwan aboriginals, stood holding back the tears, left speechless by the destruction they beheld, their beloved homeland once more pillaged by a monster of destruction.

Disaster at Laiyi Surpasses that of Morakot (by CJ mengling )
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/60502


來義災情-比莫拉克還嚴重 (公民記者 風翦樹(mengling) 報導)





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