
Mobile Fan Maintenance Van

2010/09/20 17:11
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PeoPo推 1

On one hot summer afternoon, at the entrance to San Yuan Temple in Matou, Tainan a small truck with ‘Fan Repair’ printed on the side pulled up.  From the temple broadcasting system the villagers were notified that fans were now being repaired.  Mr Huang who repairs the fans says he has been in this line of work for over 10 years traveling from village to village all over the area.  He also informed us that due to the economic depression and especially after the Typhoon Morakot disaster, recently many more people have been repairing fans in a bid to make ends meet.  He says repairing a fan costs a mere fraction of the cost of buying a new one, and so with people feeling the pinch his cost-saving and indeed environmentally friendly business kills two birds with one stone, giving him a wonderful sense of achievement.

Mobile Fan Maintenance Van (by CJ Claudia)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/59339


流動的電風維修車(公民記者 Claudia 報導)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/59339





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