
金桔伯的逗點人生~走讀 望龍埤

2022/09/16 16:30
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PeoPo推 2

望龍埤,位於宜蘭縣員山鄉枕山村,這裡農民主要種植金桔,也因此被稱為金桔的故鄉。宜蘭縣境雨量充沛經常不預期的下雨,農民閒來無事就會泡茶聊天。金桔伯招待避雨遊客以~下雨天 留客天  天留 我 不~之標點符號比擬人生,生活就是要適時的放輕鬆。




Wanglongpi is located in Yuanshan Township, Yilan County.  Where farmers mainly grow kumquats, therefore, it is also known as the village of kumquats. Yilan County has abundant rainfall, and this areas often rain suddenly, then farmers will enjoy tea break and chat while they got nothing to do.   Here, these farmers, just having philosophy of life, take it easy~

Life, at every stage, is a comma.  After the comma, a new story begins....

Its likely there are many articles or chapters in  our life,

And, everyone keeps writing new chapter of poems, records, and challenges.

No matter  we're winning or losing, the story constantly updating and, is to be continuing....





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・ 2022/09/16 17:15

"Wanglong" Eco-Pond is located in Yuangshan Township, Yilan County.
Since hundreds of years ago, because of the terrain flash floods and landslides.
At the Great Reef Creek-Da Jiaoshi, it naturally become a lake, approximately four to five hectares.
The lake is a natural mountain lake and on higher elevation, and, the water level of the lake rises and falls with the amount of rain. Therefore, the lake is closely related to everyday living of the local community. As old saying of elderly that "wind from tiger" and "cloud from dragon", the lake is named "Wang-long" in Chinese pronunciations meaning “Overlooking the Dragon”.
Pray for clouds and rain to breed for blessing of the people’s wellbeing.