Taiwan's artistic water caltrop fields
Most of the water caltrop ponds in Taiwan, which are often grown following the rice harvest, are concentrated in Tainan and Kaohsiung. Guantian in Tainan has the largest habitat for the jacana, a small tropical wading bird in Taiwan. Thanks to 20 years of dedication to habitat conservation, jacana numbers have grown from a small population of 50 to a population of 1,000.
Following the 2009 Jacana Poisoning Incident (水雉集體中毒事件), the Forestry Bureau cooperated with the Jacana Ecological Education Park (水雉生態園區) to guide local farmers to farm without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers. Many farmers have signed up to the "Guantian District Jacana Habitat Cooperation Agreement," in which farmers agree to flood fields from December through January each year to ensure sufficient jacana foraging in winter.
台灣的菱角田大部分集中在台南和高雄,附近農民常以種過一輪稻作後再以菱角田為延續農作。而台南官田的菱角田是水雉在臺灣最大的棲息地, 當地人致力於棲地保護20年,牠們才從50隻的微弱族數量,茁壯成為千隻的族群。