
Barefoot heroes: Search and rescue dogs training base newly completed

2022/02/08 10:32
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With their nimble feet and sharp sense of smell, trained search and rescue dogs can quickly determine if there are survivors at the scene of a disaster. During the 921 Earthquake, the authorities and civilians became aware of the importance of search and rescue dogs and officially opened the road to search and rescue dog training. In 2019, nine search and rescue dogs passed INSARAG's Mission Readiness Test (MRT) in Asia, seven of which came from Taiwan.


Without prior experience, Taiwan has established the first combined base for police dogs and search and rescue dogs, which is equipped with special bathrooms, a gym, and other equipment. In addition, treadmills and balance boards are used to simulate the challenging terrain of earthquakes and train the dogs' physical abilities. Unlike family pets, search and rescue dogs must maintain peak condition and be ready to save lives at critical moments; therefore, a strict regimen of proper diet, rest, and continuous training is implemented throughout the year.




赤腳英雄搜救犬 訓練基地新落成








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