
With the river flowing, life continues!

2021/10/12 14:08
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Laokeng River is a beautiful little watercourse in Yangmei which is rich in freshwater fish and shrimp. Water from the river irrigates rice fields and receives water discharges from residents in the vicinity. Before dredging the river, the Water Bureau did not ask the local community if they had implemented ecological protection on the stream, so the dredging process was environmentally destructive. An excavator was given free rein to ride roughshod over this ecologically sensitive stream, injuring many creatures in the process. When eco-volunteers from Sing-yang-ping Community College and wardens from Laokeng River Patrol Team discovered the situation, they immediately contacted the Water Bureau and demanded the temporary halting of dredging work.


After several meetings and discussions, the Water Bureau, Sing-yang-ping Community College, Laokeng River Patrol Team, the village warden, local residents, and the engineering unit responsible for the project reached a consensus to continue dredging in a less damaging way. It is hoped that through time the stream will gradually regain its former ecological diversity. We must always bear in mind that river organisms are the guardians of the environment and their existence a symbol of a river's vitality.












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