Young and Old Witness First Environmental Trust
Environmental groups have taken to the streets in protest over the Chinese Petroleum Corporation’s development plans that are set to cause environmental pollution and damage to central Taiwan’s Cho-shui River estuary. A ‘Buy Changhua Coastline Fundraising Movement’ has been set up in a bid to protect the fragile wetlands and the habitat of the Chinese White Dolphin. In only three short months over 30,000 citizens have agreed with and signed the petition.
On the 7th July 2010, under the Taipei sunshine, over a hundred citizens from young to old converged outside Taiwan’s Ministry of Interior. Red dolphin balloons could be seen dancing to the rhythm of the wind amid innocent children’s gleaming smiles, while concerned citizens displayed images of the Chinese White Dolphin.
Changhua’s environmental trust director general Cai Jia-yang, representing 30,000 alliance members, read out the trust declaration, “In order to protect the habitat of over a 100 Chinese White Dolphins, the health of Taiwanese citizens, the safety of foodstuffs, the ecological balance of our ocean habitat and indeed the integrity of Taiwan’s coastline, we have decided to rise up to protect Chou-shui River Estuary, this important piece of flatland.”
One university professor who brought his whole family along expressed that from this event it was clear how much the people of Taiwan cared about their land, how much cultural value they placed on it and its development, “This is a crucial changing point”. The people are jointly coming together to buy their coastline, to oppose the government’s selling off of Taiwan’s land to financial consortiums at low prices. Through safeguarding coastal wetlands, Taiwanese society is saving itself and future generations to come.
Young and Old Witness First Environmental Trust
為了保留台灣中部濁水溪出海口的重要濕地,反對國光石化即將帶來的汙染以及危害,環保團體發起了《全民募股 買下彰化濕地》守護白海豚的活動。短短三個月的時間,獲得了超過三萬名民眾的認同與參與。 2010年7月7號,台北豔陽天,上百位民眾來到內政部前,大手牽小手,白海豚圖案上身,紅色白海豚汽球迎風飄揚。兒童天真的笑容,一如陽光,閃閃發亮。