Wheelchair basketball: Pushing the limits of people with disabilities
Taiwan's wheelchair basketball team is one of the top teams in Asia, taking sixth place at the 2018 Asian Para Games in Jakarta. Despite this, wheelchair basketball in Taiwan has experienced a severe shortfall of new participants. This situation is mainly due to the public's misconception that wheelchair basketball has a high injury rate, coupled with the fact that the sport requires the participation of many people. However, many wheelchair users are still coming to terms with their disability and not ready to interact with others, so they tend to participate in more individual sports.
Wheelchair basketball is a sport open to disabled and non-disabled members of the public. It is hoped that raising awareness about wheelchair basketball among the general will help more wheelchair users learn about the sport.
輪椅籃球 跨越身障者的人生侷限
臺灣輪椅籃球成績在亞洲名列前茅,在二O一八年雅加達亞洲帕拉運動會拿下第六名的佳績,然而卻遇到很嚴重的斷層問題。會有這樣的情況出現,主要還是源自於大眾 對輪椅籃球受傷率高的錯誤認知,再加上輪椅籃球為團體運動,需要多人一同參與,對於一些還未從傷痛走出來的人來說,他們不太願意與人交談,多半會選擇從事單人項目的運動。