
Alien species of green iguana invading farmland

2021/08/17 14:28
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The green iguana, an exotic species from Central and South America, looks like a crocodile and has a mind-boggling food intake. Due to the high demand for exotic species, it was imported into Taiwan and bred in large numbers. However, with its market price collapsing, green iguana owners and breeders recklessly abandoned them. Laying more than 30 eggs at a time, the green iguana's reproductive capacity is incredible. It has now caused extensive damage to agricultural crops, with Kaohsiung City and Pingtung County being the worst affected areas. The rapid spread of the green iguana is affecting local farmers, crops, and threatening native species.


The Forestry Bureau pointed out that the main reason green iguanas are invading the environment is "abandonment.” With a gentle temperament, easy to breed, and having a striking similarity to Godzilla, it became an overnight hit in the pet market. However, at the time of purchase, most owners did not realize that green iguanas can grow to 2 meters in length, so many were abandoned to the wild. In recent years, local governments have also offered rewards to remove these exotic species, hoping that the agricultural damage Godzilla is inflicting can be eliminated as soon as possible.



長得像鱷魚、食量驚人,讓農民苦惱的中南美洲外來種「綠鬣蜥」,因為異寵經濟需求被引入大量繁殖,又因價格下滑,遭到放生棄養。牠的繁殖力驚人,一次可以生下30 顆以上的蛋,如今牠已經造成許多農業災害,其中又以高雄市、屏東縣市最為嚴重,快速擴散趨勢對當地的農民、農作物、原生物種產生危害。








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