
Who Stole Away PiSiLi Village?– SanSianTai BOT case

2010/06/29 11:27
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PeoPo推 1

The stunning eastern coast of Taiwan with its outstanding natural beauty and deep blue water should by rights belong to all the people.  Unfortunately, in order to develop tourism, the Taiwanese government has continually used BOT projects in partnership with private financial consortiums as its chosen means for development of this area.  Many areas in this region are marked as indigenous peoples’ traditional food gathering and fishing grounds.

However the government did not inform locals of the proposed BOT project, waiting until after an   agreement was signed before notifying them. This coastal land, an area that indigenous people have relied on for many generations, is now under the authority of a private financial consortium.

In 2009, SanSianTai coastal area in Taitung was handed over to a private financial consortium.   The local indigenous Amis people feel strongly that the government’s policy in these BOT developments both hypocritical and riddled with flaws. On one hand the government emphasizes that any development must be in accordance with and ‘workable’ for the local indigenous peoples, safeguarding their rights to the land, and on the other hand they flagrantly hand over land to financial consortiums.

Who Stole Away PiSiLi Village?– SanSianTai BOT case
URL:  http://www.peopo.org/portal.php?op=viewPost&articleId=58579




台灣東部的海岸風景宜人,原本的風光水色應該屬於全民所有。但是為了發展觀光,政府主管單位不斷將海岸線沿岸透過BOT的方式,交由財團經營。這些海岸很多區域是屬於傳統原住民採集或是捕魚的海域,但政府在BOT前卻未告知當地部落,等到簽約後原住民才驚覺,世代賴以維生的海岸的管理權已經屬於財團所有。      例如台灣台東的三仙台海岸,就在2009年底被BOT給財團使用,當地的阿美族人對於政府一方面強調要落實《原住民族基本法》,保障原住民對於土地的使用權;另一方面卻又將海岸BOT給財團的作法,充滿質疑。



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