
Citizen journalists delve into the stories of Taipei’s Xiaocheng

2021/04/29 16:04
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In the second PeoPo Your Shoot event of this year, we led a group of citizen journalists into the community of Xiaocheng in Ankeng, a hillside residential community with a history of more than 30 years. Due to the way in which building development licenses were formerly granted, there have been disputes between community residents and builders over public property rights. On the plus side, these disputes have promoted a sense of solidarity and cohesion among residents, motivating young people to get involved in community development and create a whole new look in Xiaocheng.


For this event, citizen journalists were divided into two teams. Led by the borough warden and Taipei Xiaocheng Residents' Committee members, they were given an in-depth understanding of Xiaocheng, which covered everything from public property rights and the provision of meals for elders to soil and water conservation and the local environment. The overarching feeling of the day was that Xiaocheng is a place brimming with fascinating stories.



台北小城故事多 公民記者踹拍報導








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