
Saving ChungLi5Art – Building a railway museum

2021/02/17 10:19
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PeoPo推 0

The traditional Hakka settlement of Zhongli has more than two hundred years of development. The growth of railway transportation during the Japanese Occupation period laid the foundation for Zhongli’s local influence. In the past, it was not only a key area of rice production in northern Taiwan but also a key distribution center for materials in southern Taoyuan. Later, when the city transformed from agriculture to commerce, it became a prosperous Hakka market town. Railways and transportation have made a huge contribution to the prosperity of Zhongli.


ChungLi5Art is committed to providing local artists and cultural workers with a stage and space for performances. At the same time, it organizes art festivals in conjunction with local issues, hoping to transform the hardness of protests into soft appeals through art. Sadly, however, this may be the last year of the warehouse. Due to the undergroundization of Taoyuan rail lines, the warehouse is under threat of demolition. Du Yan-ying (杜彥穎), the co-founder of ChungLi5Art, hopes the warehouse can be saved for its cultural and historic value and transformed into Zhongli Railway Museum Park to promote the area’s rich railway culture.



保留中壢五號倉庫 打造鐵道博物園區








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