
‘University Campus Chief Editors Meeting’

2010/05/03 11:26
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 ‘University Campus Chief Editors Meeting’      
13 Representatives Gather at PTS

At the beginning of April this year, 13 media department chief editors from all over Taiwan arrived at PTS to attend the fourth one-day ‘    Campus Press Centre Chief Editors Meeting’ raised by PeoPo.
In addition to sharing information regarding new interest and developments in campus citizen journalism and visiting ‘PeoPo Daily News’ filming, there was also an opportunity for PTS News professionals to share their experience.  Director of the international department, Lin Leh-Chyun, was also invited to come forward and share his experiences on ‘how to use the lens to tell a story’.
These meetings held regularly every semester are a wonderful opportunity for editors to exchange ideas, with every campus giving presentations in the process of producing citizen journalist news in the various departments.  In addition, the hottest news stories from the 13 campuses will be broadcast, stimulating discussion and communication and bringing schools closer together.


PeoPo’s plan to develop a ‘Citizen Journalist Press Centre’ began in 2008, inviting all universities with TV news or short news reporting curriculums to come forward and participate encouraging students to use citizen journalism as a way of improving interaction with and showing more concern for the community.  It was also hoped that by pushing regional news, a more correct understanding of media could be fostered, allowing students to fully absorb the implications of citizen journalism through the process of covering news stories.


Campuses working with PTS’s citizen journalist press centers include, Chinese Culture University, National Chung Cheng University, Shih Hsin University, National Dong Hwa University, Chang Jung Christian University, Nanhua University, Southern Taiwan University, Tzu Chi University, I-Shou University and Fu Jen Catholic University media departments.  From this year Asia University is participating in the press centre bringing the total number up to 13.  
Students’ citizen journalist reports have been broadcast by PTS in the news slot, time and time again, not only widening the scope of students’ influence but also equipping them with real practical experience in gathering news.  This will develop better community awareness in students and sow the seeds for outstanding news reporters in the future.
URL: http://www.peopo.org/events/campus/
URL: http://www.peopo.org/portal.php?op=viewPost&articleId=54013

PeoPo校園總編輯會議  13校代表齊聚公視 

今年四月上旬,PeoPo平台舉辦第四次「校園採訪中心總編輯會議」,共有來自全台灣北、中、南、東,十三所大學傳播科系的校園總編輯,來到公視進行為期 一天的會議。
會中除了分享各校在校園公民新聞的投入與發展之外,也參訪「PeoPo公民新聞報(PeoPo Daily News)」節目錄影,同時公視新聞專業同仁作經驗分享,並邀請公視國際部經理林樂群,前來與同學分享「如何用鏡頭說故事」。
每學期固定舉辦的「校園採訪中心總編輯會議」,是各校總編輯互相交流的難得機會,各校以簡報介紹各科系的公民新聞製作流程,並播放範例報導,經由十三所 學校的溝通與討論,拉近校系彼此之間的距離。
從2008年開始,PeoPo平台深耕「公民新聞校園採訪中心」計畫,邀集全台各地擁有電視新聞與短篇紀實報導課程的大專院校共同參與,鼓勵學生透過公 民新聞報導的方式關懷社區,讓學生走出校園,協助學生與社區有更良好的互動,也能透過地方新聞的推動,提昇媒體識讀(media literacy)的正確觀念,並讓學生藉由採訪報導過程,更加了解公民新聞的意涵。
PeoPo公民新聞校園採訪中心的夥伴,共有文化大學、中正大學、世新大學、東華大學、長榮大學、南華大學、南台科技大學、慈濟大學、義守大學與輔仁大 學等校之傳播科系,自98年度下學期開始,更有亞洲大學的參與,讓目前參與的學校總數達到13所。同學的公民新聞報導作品屢屢在公視新聞時段播出,不但擴 大學生作品的影響力,也有助於同學們在就學期間就有實際的報導經驗,及早發展關懷社區的公民意識,成為未來優秀的媒體傳播人才。
URL: http://www.peopo.org/events/campus/
URL: http://www.peopo.org/portal.php?op=viewPost&articleId=54013



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