
Species Recovery Starts from Local Community

2010/04/26 10:09
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PeoPo推 1

In Tong-Lin village, of Wufeng Township in Taichung County, the whole community has come together in order to save their ecological environment. Residents have used community development and education to bring the threat and dangers of man-made pollution on the ecology to the attention of tourists and locals alike. Tong-Lin village have cooperated with researchers from the National Taiwan Normal University to follow the species recovery situation.  Local residents have displayed great creativity in implementing this community transformation.  This has not only enhanced the community spirit but also brought about a common understanding of how to live in harmony with nature. 

Species Recovery Starts from Local Community (by Asia University viewpoint, Taichung citizen journalist)


物種復育 社區在地做起 (by 台中公民記者 亞大觀點 )


From mid April 2010, PTS’s citizen news platform PeoPo will carefully select three topical stories from each week’s news and translate them into English. This will extend the range of the service further, allowing an even greater number of concerned citizens to keep up to date with all the breaking news, the whole length of Taiwan.
公共電視PeoPo公民新聞平台,為擴大服務範圍,將自2010年4月中旬開始,每周精選三則公民報導翻譯成英文摘要,讓更多關心公民新聞的朋友,可以透 過PeoPo平台瞭解台灣在地大小事。



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