
ZhiXue Village’s Road Engineering Project Postponed and Fails to Give Appropriate Consideration to Local’s Needs

2010/04/22 15:15
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PeoPo推 2

The engineering project to widen ZhongZheng Road in ZhiXue Village beside National Dong Hwa University commenced in April of last year.  The project was scheduled for completion by the end of last year, however is still under construction.  The delay has given rise to additional pollution, caused disturbance to local businesses and been responsible for a marked increase in the rate of traffic accidents. This, not surprisingly, has led to a continual flow of complaints from local residents, businesses and students.  The local residents’ main grievance is that the government has not given appropriate consideration to their needs or demands.  The development has made only minimal changes to the road width, and in addition, although providing a pedestrian walkway, has failed to install a protection barrier. To rub salt in to the wound, due to the addition of the pedestrian walkway, vehicles coming from opposite directions are now unable to pass at the same time causing locals to look on in bewilderment and sigh with disbelief. 

ZhiXue Village’s Road Engineering Project Postponed and Fails to Give Appropriate Consideration to Local’s Needs (by Department of Indigenous Language and Communications, HuaLian County citizen journalist).


志 學村道路施工工程延宕,百姓需求未考量(by花蓮公民記者 東華語傳系)




花蓮縣東華大學旁的「志學村中正路拓寬工程」去年 4 月開工,本應在去年底完工,卻延宕至今還在施工,造成噪音汙染、商家生意下滑,交通肇事率也升高,附近居民、商家、學生抱怨連連。民怨最深的,就是政府未 考慮民眾需求,路面拓寬後改變不大,路旁雖然多了人行道,但卻造成兩邊無法會車、人行道又沒有無障礙設施,身障人士只能望路興嘆。

From mid April 2010, PTS’s citizen news platform PeoPo will carefully select three topical stories from each week’s news and translate them into English. This will extend the range of the service further, allowing an even greater number of concerned citizens to keep up to date with all the breaking news, the whole length of Taiwan.
公共電視PeoPo公民新聞平台,為擴大服務範圍,將自2010年4月中旬開始,每周精選三則公民報導翻譯成英文摘要,讓更多關心公民新聞的朋友,可以透 過PeoPo平台瞭解台灣在地大小事。




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