
Creative Recycling and Waste Recycling Repair Station

2020/11/05 09:43
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In an age of material abundance, when goods get damaged, people tend to discard them and buy new ones. Although this is convenient, it also creates a lot of waste. Thankfully, Mr. Xiong Guo-xing in Longtan, Taoyuan, has established Mr. Xiong’s Creative Regeneration and Repair Station, which uses creativity to transform waste products into everyday items and works of art.


Mr. Xiong shares all the items in his repair station with people for free. Using an honor system, he lets people take away the items they want without providing any proof of status; however, each person is limited to one item to ensure resources are shared equally with all those in need. Mr. Xiong believes a lot of environmental protection done by the public is still too unrealistic. He hopes that by integrating environmental protection into everyday life, he can help create new value for old trash. Moreover, his novel honor system has attracted more people to join the green movement, promoting the concept of cherishing material goods and encouraging people to build a better world.



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