
Who's afraid of the bones? - Teaching sustainability through everyday life

2020/10/12 14:48
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In Yilan County, Yueming Elementary School has implemented a series of novel courses that teach kids how to safely eat fish and avoid getting the bones stuck in their throat. The courses have indirectly affected eating habits and fish buying habits in the local community while at the same time conveying the importance of protecting the oceans and sustainable fishing.

The school's fish-eating course lets students practice picking out fish bones and slicing up the fish, before distributing different parts to each school grade according to the number of fish bones. Teachers from the school have also integrated a fish-eating course into the community reconstruction plan through Taste of the Ocean, a seafood restaurant where students put on the chef's whites and make seafood lunches for the elderly. Through the process of killing and frying fish, the students learn to treat the food they eat with respect and gratitude.



吃魚不怕刺 岳明小學從生活教海洋永續


推行食魚教育首先讓學生練習挑出小段的魚刺和中央骨;然後將魚切成片狀,依照魚刺的多寡將不同部位分配給各年級食用, 岳明國小教師還將食魚教育融入社區改造計畫,創辦海味小館,由學生擔任廚師,為長者製作以魚類為主食的海味便當,學生從殺魚、煎魚等過程中,懂得尊敬食材,並懷著感恩的心享用食物。







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