

2020/04/25 22:58
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【新聞稿) 發稿單位:池上鄉公所


上午11:30 假大坡池國家風景區舉辦「2020 池上金黃稻穗日環食」活動,邀請專業天文解說員與民眾一同欣賞這百年難得一見天文聖象。
「2020 池上金黃稻穗日環食,活動當日,特邀專業解說員為「天狗食日」解惑。臺東天文協會理事長楊義清表示:「今年日環食自下午2點51分起至5點 26 分結束,遮蔽的範圍大約占太陽面積 98%左右,食甚(月亮遮蔽於太陽正中央)時將出現聖人光環,以台灣地區來說,日環食再現將是200年後了。」為了捕捉百年一見之天文奇景,池上鄉公所張堯城鄉長以:「池上夏收日環食,三生有幸見聖光」口號號召大家一同聚集池上,共同欣賞美麗寶島的天文聖象。
舞蹈團及安歆澐等知名團體精彩表演,活動現場更準備限量 500 張闖關卡供民眾領取,闖關完成還可兌換精美小禮一星空野餐墊一份。本次活動推出夏至限定行程,6月21日正逢池上金黃稻穗收割之際,池上鄉鄉長張堯城歡迎各位來池上的旅客,當日上午不妨騎鐵馬漫遊在伯朗大道金黃稻浪中,下午再至大坡池畔參加「2020 池上金黃稻穗日環食」活動,晚上更可於大坡池畔賞盡絕美星空,濃厚的人文及農村風情,結合日環食奇景,一定讓你終生難忘。

Released by: Chihshang Township Office
Summer Harvest and Annular Solar Eclipse in
Sun Shines in Chihshang and Food brings Good Fortune
The astronomical wonder "annular solar eclipse" is coming to Chihshang! In the summer solstice of 2020, the eclipse path will pass through Taitung. At 11:30 a.m. on June 21st, Chihshang Township Office will hold the event "2020 Chihshang Golden Rice and Annular Solar Eclipse" in Dapochih Wetland National Scenic Area: professional astronomical docents are invited to enjoy the rare astronomical wonder together with visitors.
According to legend, in ancient times when a solar eclipse occurred, people thought that it was the fierce star Tengu (Sky Dog) who was going to eat the sun, so they would beat gongs and sound drums to scare Sky Dog away. On the day of the "2020 Chihshang Golden Rice and Annular Solar Eclipse" event, professional docents will be invited to the event to explain the situation of "Tengu eats the sun". The Chairman of the Taitung Astronomical Association Yi-Ching Yang said: "This year's annular solar eclipse will start at 2:51 p.m. and end at 5:26 p.m. The covered area will be about 98% of the sun. During the maximum eclipse (the moon blocks in the middle of the sun), a saint corona will form. In Taiwan, the opportunity to see the annular solar eclipse again will be 200 years later." In order to capture the astronomical wonder that can only be seen once in a hundred years, the Chihshang Township Mayor Yao-Chen Chang took the slogan “summer harvest and annular solar eclipse in Chihshang, with the best luck to see the holy light" to call for everyone to gather in Chihshang to enjoy the astronomical wonder in the beautiful island.



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