
Inconvenient medical care and slow referrals for islanders

2019/07/19 10:06
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PeoPo推 0

Owing to inconvenient transportation and a small, scattered population, medical institutions in Kinmen County are scarce. Moreover, the recruitment and retention of doctors is a challenge, with the overwhelming majority of medical staff leaving once their contract expires. This means that residents on the outlying islands who fall ill or require urgent medical treatment need to wait for a medical plane or take a passenger flight to the mainland for a referral.



Between March and May is the fog season in Kinmen. During this period, it is almost impossible to see the road while driving on the island, and planes and ships can't get out, so doctors are unable to come and provide assistance. Kinmen County Government has been understanding and sympathetic to the plight of Kinmen residents and set up a special help desk at Taipei Veterans General Hospital where a Kinmen County Government representative provides timely assistance to Kinmen people. But despite such measures, there is still a severe lack of medical resources on outlying islands, and a lot more needs to be done by the government to address the issue.




離島醫療不便 轉診後送需花時間







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