
Mind of the artisan – Passing on the art of glass

2019/06/03 09:36
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PeoPo推 0

In 1939, the Japanese discovered an abundance of silica sand and natural gas in Hsinchu and established a glass factory. At the time, the factory had the highest production output in all of Taiwan, but with the rise of plastics, the glass industry gradually fell into the doldrums. To survive those difficult times, Hsinchu's traditional glass industry began reorienting its production with the cultural and creative industries to produce more artistic glassware with higher market value.

Mr. Xu Jin-xi (許金烺), a pioneer of glass craftwork in Taiwan, has a unique design philosophy aimed at helping glasswork catch up with the times. Mr. Xu entered a glass factory at thirteen years of age and by sixteen was already setting up a studio workshop. He went on to create glassware that fueled a wave of innovative glass arts and crafts in Hsinchu. Mr. Xu spares no effort in promoting glass art and teaches classes in his studio to invest in the next generation of young glassworkers. He hopes that the younger generation will continue to work hard and one day put Taiwan's glassware on the world stage.









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