
Traditional bamboo steamers find new meaning

2019/05/27 14:08
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At the start of each day, breakfast puts fuel in the tank for the day ahead, with riceballs being a common breakfast choice. What’s more, glutinous rice balls steamed in traditional bamboo steamers always taste better. Nowadays, modern kitchen appliances have largely replaced traditional bamboo steamers, and very few stores still sell them. To understand the difference between modern electric steamers and traditional bamboo steamers, you really have to try them – as the saying goes, the proof of the pudding is in the eating!

Although electric steamers are now more popular than traditional bamboo steamers, Fushan Steamer in Wanhua has held fast to its traditions. Despite the decline in traditional industries, the store’s fourth-generation boss, Xiao Da-wei (蕭大為), insists on producing steamers in the time-honored fashion with the firm belief that only traditional bamboo steamers can bring out the authentic taste of food.

Though traditional steamers are no longer center stage in this era, insisting on quality is the key to preserving the authentic taste of food. Faced with an onslaught of newfangled electrical home appliances, finding a way to maintain the warmth of hand-made products will be our greatest challenge.


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