
Sighted and visually impaired musicians cooperate to form jazz band

2019/05/16 16:01
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Close your eyes and listen to passionate saxophone and electric guitar, the deep and steady beat of the drum and bass, the piano and violin played in a unique style; it is hard to imagine that this band is composed of two sighted and four visually impaired people. Life Jazz Band puts on high-level performances that smash the public's concept of "disabled" performers.

Life can be viewed as everyday life, or life itself. For the visually impaired, music is like life itself, like breathing, as natural and vital as existence itself. Through Life Jazz Band, members have made many like-minded friends and are no longer viewed with sympathy or compassion, but rather, as musicians. The dynamism and passion in their music have won these visually impaired musicians great encouragement on their struggle ahead.








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